Sunday, July 6, 2008

Being Home is feeling nicer every day.

Things were better yesterday. The ride home from Baltimore was tough. Nick got a little too much length too fast. That results in pain. So, July 5th was spent on the couch playing Tiger Woods Golf 2008. We stayed put and managed to get through the day with just the three pole changes that are recommended. We even got Nick upstairs into his own bed. He had a great night.

As of today we are 27 millemeters! Only 23 more to go. In the back of our mind we are reminding ourselves that the last two centimeters are supposed to be the worst pain wise. Also the pole changes might not come as easily and we will have to manipulate his leg to make them occur. So, keep Nick in your thoughts and prayers. He is not done yet. Thanks for the support!!!!!!!


annemarie said...

I am sure sleeping in your own bed made a world of difference. It sosunds like you are making good progress...I hope all continues to go well.

I had to put a special collar on Max so he would not lick his leg wound...he follows me around the house head butting me as if to ask to take it's kind of funny actually.

Hugs to everyone!

Dana said...

It was great to see you yesterday! We were so happy to see that you were up and around ~ even if you were timing your next pain med.

Sorry about Kal bumping your leg! I'm sure that was the cause of needing pain meds ASAP!

Let Kal know when you are ready for another visit from him. You can whoop his butt at Tiger Woods Golf again!

Love to all ~ Dana