Friday, July 4, 2008

Home Sweet Home....

We finally are home. It feels so good to be in our own home! The ride was a little rough. We had to make several pit stops and I think each one was resulted in a pole change. So far we have five. That is one more than we are supposed to have. So, for the rest of the day Nick will just relax infront of the large HD tv. Sure did miss that little item while in Baltimore.

Nick hit a milestone today. He hit the halfway mark. He has 25 millemeters of new length. That is 2 1/2 cm. It is downhilll from here. I wont be smooth sailing but we are encouraged that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Happy 4th of July to everyone!

1 comment:

annemarie said...

Welcome back!

I'm glad you had a safe trip and are back to familiar surroundings.

I went for a bike ride on the 4th sponsored by Bridgestone farms, a community for mentally challenged adults. It was fun, but hot hot hot!

Farmers Market today and then Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, and David Allen Coe at the race track. We are on vacation this week. Yay!

Take to everyone!