Sunday, July 20, 2008

The monitor has finally stopped.

Although the Doctor told us the lengthening was considered done, Nick ended up having 23 more pole changes over the last five days. We thought it would only be 10 or so. Surprised when they keep coming. Especially at the 8 on Saturday. Yes, that causes us to call Baltimore to ask what was going on. Unfortunately for us the doctor on call was not much help. His only real advice was, "If you have seepage from the incisions please come in. Otherwise you are okay. it should be done, don't worry!" Easier said than done. Oh well, that seemed to be the last push. Nick has not had any new changes. Now, I think we can officially say that the lengthening phase is complete. Yeah! Still need to work on the movement and flexibility. PT three times a week. Joe David, do your magic!

1 comment:

annemarie said...

Amazing...I am so glad that portion is done...I read back through all of the blogs and can't believe everything went so least from an out sider looking in...I am sure there were some long moments for you.

All is well in Houston...Luise told me about her upcoming bike ride in Baltimore....sounds great. I wish I could be there too!