Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Great News!

Nick is almost done! Well according to the doctor, he is done. The surgery and lengthening is considered a success. At Tuesdays appointment Nick had gained 4 1/2 cms in length. If he would stop now that would be okay. His legs and even and the hips are straight. If he continues to get a few more mms. that would be fine too. So, we are monitoring to see if we can get to 5cm but not worried anymore about moving too much and causing pole changes. Nick is more at ease and happy with the results. It has been so amazing. All the length in one month. Nick is continuing with PT and exercises to regain his leg strength and flexibility. Next appointment is in 5 weeks to check on the bone density and hopefully pitch the crutches.

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. We could hear God whispering in our ears during this lengthening process. Reassuring us that we were okay, delivering the many prayers, and letting us know that he was right there with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! What wonderful news Nick - you must be so happy to know that this surgery was so successful. Keep up the good work at PT & know we are all cheering loudly for the great news!

We missed you on choir tour - it wasn't the same without you, but it sure gives us all something to look forward to next year!

By the way - Ross only said "Bananas" to me once :-)

Miss Dale