Friday, June 27, 2008

We feel so fortunate...

Nick and I have met so many special people at the Hackerman Patz House. People who all have a story to share. Many families have traveled great distances to be helped at the Institute for Advanced Orthopedics. The families we have met are almost all from somewhere in the United States. But, families from all over the world have come and stayed at the Hackerman Patz House. Nick and I feel almost like we should not be here because we could drive the distance in a day. But we are so thankful to be close to the Hospital, PT, pharmacy, and our doctors. We are also thankful that Nick only has to lengthen 5 cm. Some kids here have lifts as big at 10 cm on their shoes. Some of the parents here were told they should have their childs limb amputeed because there was nothing to do for them. Some how these families did some research and found out about Drs Paley and Herzenberg. They were seen and are being treated. Limbs that were supposed to be amputated have been fixed and lengthened. Parents talk to you and get choked up just thinking that they might have missed out on watching their child grow up walking and running on their own two legs. What would they do if they had gone through with the plan doctors presented to them. We have heard of how Dr. Paley travels the world meeting families on the tarmac of airports to evaluate children. He takes diagnostic equipment with him to see if he can help. He is know as the Miracle Man. What we thought was a big deal, turns out to be a walk in the park compared to others. We only have to stay in Baltimore for a few weeks not months. We only have a few cms to lengthen. We only need this one big surgery. Not the 13 one child has already had. Our lives have been touched by these people and their stories. Some day when Nick is healed and pain free we hope to pay it forward. Maybe we can spread the word, reach out to others, volunteer or be part of the center that I think is starting up in Pittsburgh. Pay it forward in a way to say thanks.

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