Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekend of Ups and Downs

Whirl wind of activity this weekend. Friday Maeve came to visit. She and her mom also came down to visit. They braved the turnpike together for a girls only adventure. They hit the horrible Baltimore/DC friday rush hour and a rain storm. But, when they arrived, it was a lift for Nick. They treated us to a chinese dinner. Yum. Nick and Maeve had time to catch up. On Saturday Ross and Dad arrived for a visit. It was so nice to see them. We went to Brian's Boss' house for lunch and a relaxing time sitting by the pool. It was so nice to not look at the same four walls. That was all the ups. Then we got back to the House and proceeded to have multiple pole changes. We ended up having 6 during the day and 4 in three hours. We are only suppose to get 3 in a day. With the rapid pole change readings comes lots of pain. Things moving very fast and muscle aching. Up in the middle of the night waiting for the pain meds to kick in. Sunday, we are getting it back under control. So far it is 11:00AM and we have not had any changes. We are taking it easy! As of this morning we are 18 millimeters. Almost 2cm. We are getting there.


annemarie said...

I am glad you had a chance to see family and friends...that can be a definate pick me up. I hope you are feeling better and not too uncomfortable with all the pole changes....hopefully, you will have more ups than downs for the rest of your stay.
We sent Laura to Colorado for her last college exposure softball tournament...I stayed home and tackled cleaning her was more of an over haul. I feel like we have an extra 100 feet of living space now...jk. All is well in hot!

Hugs to you both!!!

Danny said...

its great to hear that nick is doing well. i really wish i could have come to see nick with the covenant group. i was conflicted however. anyways, i miss nick a lot. we need you back for the bass section next year!! give him my best wishes mrs. c and tell him that i wanna see him when he gets back from baltimore.

god bless

Danny said...

oh yeah and tell your dad i'll beat him at monopoly cuz i'm a pro at that game